The Ultimate Prank!
Its been the second time in a row that I arrive in the computer labs in the department of architecture and I see that one of my friends pranked my computer. Either with some random pranking website or sticking all my stationary against my computer monitor with adhesive tape or just some random sticky notes.
For all time sake, I decided to pull the ultimate prank on this friend, by wrapping everything on his desk with the scrap paper in the plotting room.
Needless to say, this took me about 40min to do, but I wrapped everything. I wrapped his monitor, computer box, keyboard, mouse, books, laptop, laptop mouse and even the two tables.
Hehe, I am kind of worried what he might pull out of his sleeve for next time, but on the other hand, its bringing joy and fun into our dull lives here in the Architecture labs. memories that will last forever.
If your wondering who this person is, then please go check out his blogging website!